Thomson Holidays Complaints • 0844 409 9591 • Phone Number

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Thomson Holidays complaints number:
0844 409 9591
Verified correct on: 17/05/2024

Call costs 5p per minute plus your phone companies access charge.

Thomson Holidays

To make a complaint to Thomson Holidays, call the complaints line on 0844 409 9591. If it relates to cancelling all or part of your holiday, you are strongly advised to read your terms and conditions carefully to be fully conversant with the company’s policy and procedures for cancellations.

With origins dating back to 1965, Thomson Holidays is a UK travel company providing package and cruise holidays. It is currently part of TUI Travel UK and owns its own cruise line and airline.


Thomson Holidays was at the vanguard of providing cheaper travel thus putting foreign holidays within the financial reach of many more people than was possible previously. As a result, foreign holidays boomed in the 1970’s including winter sun holidays to destinations such as the Canary Islands.

Other travel products were introduced by Thomson Holidays such as cruises, lakes and mountain holidays, villas and apartments, city breaks and winter sports. The combination of a wide choice of travel options, keen pricing and strong branding saw Thomson Holidays dominate the UK package holiday market for some 25 years. The company currently have a share of approximately 30% of the UK package holiday market.

The company have branched out to provide long haul holiday destinations including the Caribbean, America and Canada, the Far East and more.

In common with many other travel companies, Thomson Holidays have a large web presence and provide full online booking facilities, but still maintain a strong high street presence with their walk in travel shops.

Thomson Holidays’ airline, formerly branded as Britannia Airways, was known as Thomsonfly but is now branded as Thomson Airways after the merger with First Choice Airways.


All manner of short and long haul package holidays covering many holiday types: beach, lakes and mountains, cruises, winter sports, villas and apartments, city breaks.

Making a complaint

Complain to Thomson Holidays on 0844 409 9591 (Mon - Fri 8.00am - 6.00pm, Sat 9.00am - 6.00pm and Sun 10.00am - 5.00pm).

You can also email or write to the company, but the address you use may depend on the circumstances and nature of your complaint. For example, they provide an ‘after your holiday’ email and postal address and a separate address for baggage loss queries and claims.

Full details are on the ‘contact us’ section of the website.


Thomson Cruises, Thomson Airways.

Useful information

Complaints No: 0844 409 9591

Postal address (for ‘after your holiday’ matters)

After Travel Customer Support
Thomson Holidays
Wigmore House
Wigmore Lane

ATOL website:

Thomson Holidays complaints number:
0844 409 9591
Verified -

Calls cost 5p per minute plus your phone companies access charge.

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