SSE Complaints • 0844 409 8696 • Phone Number

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SSE complaints number:
0844 409 8696
Verified correct on: 17/05/2024

Call costs 5p per minute plus your phone companies access charge.


SSE can be contacted on 0844 409 8696 if you wish to make a complaint. If the issue cannot be resolved at this stage, then the company has a complaints procedure as required by the industry regulator, Ofgem.

Supplying energy to over 9 million homes and businesses, SSE is the second largest energy supplier in the UK.


Operating through the use of various brands including Scottish Hydro and Southern Electric, SSE supplies energy and provides other energy related services to homes and businesses. The company also provides other home services such as land line telephone and broadband services.

SSE is also involved with energy supply, generation, networking and other energy infrastructure roles. The company is particularly committed to renewable energy supply, and in early 2012 applied to build what would become Scotland’s largest ever hydro electric power facility at a cost of £800 million.

SSE enjoys a good reputation amongst existing customers. The Customer Satisfaction report from has rated SSE as the best energy supplier for 8 years running, and the Consumer Futures customer complaints consistently rank SSE as receiving the fewest complaints of any energy supplier.

According to their own website, SSE claims it only receives around 1,500 complaints per 100,000 of its customer accounts with, on average, over 70% of them being resolved by the end of the next working day. It further claims over 90% of complaints are resolved within 8 weeks.

There again, SSE fell foul of Ofgem when they were penalised twice with combined fines of over £11 million in 2012 and 2013 for the mis-selling of energy products by door-to-door sales personnel.


SSE supplies energy throughout the UK and Ireland using various brands:

  • SSE and Southern Electric (in England)
  • SWALEC (in Wales)
  • SSE Airtricity (Ireland)
  • Atlantic (Great Britain)
  • Scottish Hydro (Scotland)

SSE are also the energy providers for the M&S Energy and Ebico brands.

Services and products

Energy supply

Gas and electricity is supplied throughout the UK and Ireland.

Home services

Gas boiler and central heating maintenance and maintenance cover financial products. Broadband and land line telephone services.

Making a complaint

The SSE complaints number is 0844 409 8696. The company say most complaints are resolved at this stage, but if not then there are set steps to follow laid out on their website as per Ofgem stipulations.

If a complaint has still not been resolved, then you can contact the Ombudsman: energy service (contact details below). This should only be done AFTER the FULL SSE complaints procedure has been followed.

Useful Information

Complaints Tel: 0844 409 8696

Correspondence Address:
Head of Customer Services
PO Box 7506
PH1 3QR 

Ombudsman Services: Energy

PO Box 966
WA4 9DF 


SSE complaints number:
0844 409 8696
Verified -

Calls cost 5p per minute plus your phone companies access charge.

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