Plusnet Complaints • 0844 409 8492 • Phone Number

Please note: We are a 3rd party complaints phone number directory, we source complaints phone number to help you make complaints simply and easily. We do not represent and we are not affiliated with the company below. Calls to our numbers will cost 5p per minute plus your phone companies access charge.

Plusnet complaints number:
0844 409 8492
Verified correct on: 17/05/2024

Call costs 5p per minute plus your phone companies access charge.


If you wish to make a complaint to Plusnet, the company has various methods to choose from including a complaints line on 0844 409 8492, email, post and live web chat on their website. There are a range of help/diagnostic facilities to help resolve any problems with the service.

Plusnet is a British internet service provider (ISP) with  around 750,000 customers (as of the end of 2013). They are owned by BT, and themselves operate various other brands including John Lewis Broadband and Madasafish. They also provide land line telephone services.


Plusnet’s origins can be traced back to 1997 during the era of dial-up Internet some time before broadband Internet was in wide use.

In late 2006, Plusnet was taken over by BT and the key personnel including the chief executive and finance director were dismissed and replaced. Despite this, the way Plusnet markets itself and conducts business gives them an ‘autonomous’image with no obvious influences or branding from their parent.

They focus heavily on their Sheffield origins in marketing and branding using advertising slogans such as ‘Good Honest Broadband from Yorkshire’and ‘We’ll do you Proud.’

They deploy a referral marketing strategy to acquire new subscribers. This works by incentivising existing users to recommend the service to friends and colleagues in return for a financial share of their subscriptions to Plusnet for as long as they take the service.

In 2011, 2012 and 2013 Plusnet were a ‘recommended’broadband service by ‘Which?’magazine.

Making a complaint

Plusnet provide very comprehensive help, support and complaints handling through the ‘help and Support’section of their website including a complaints number on 0844 409 8492. You can download an interactive diagnostic tool called ‘Plusnet Assist’(although it will not work on Apple Mac or Linux systems).

There are frequent service information updates, live chat, forums and an easy to navigate section so you can access the help you need and make a complaint if required.

There is also a helpful graph illustrating how long it is currently taking to answer and resolve support and complaint calls. The graph clearly shows where the peak times occur for inbound calls thus helping to judge when is the best time to call.

Services and products


Landline telephone services available with a broadband package.


Broadband through the fixed phone line either independently or as part of a telephone and broadband package. Superfast broadband via fibre optic available (where available).

Useful Information

Official Plusnet User Group:  — An official website run by Plusnet and associated brands users sharing information, news and support. Formed in 2004.
Complaints Tel: 0844 409 8492

Correspondence address:
The Balance
2 Pinfold Street
S1 2GU

Plusnet complaints number:
0844 409 8492
Verified -

Calls cost 5p per minute plus your phone companies access charge.

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