Npower Complaints • 0844 409 8194 • Phone Number

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Npower complaints number:
0844 409 8194
Verified correct on: 14/05/2024

Call costs 5p per minute plus your phone companies access charge.


If you need to complain to npower, a range of options are available including a complaints line on 0844 409 8194. The ‘Contact Us’in the ‘Help and Support’section of their website has various options including a comprehensive complaints section. The information is categorised by whether the complaint relates to electricity and/or gas or home and heating.


npower is an energy company supplying gas and electricity to both business and residential customers. It also provides boiler and central heating servicing and repair through its energy services arm. The company also operate a quantity of natural gas, oil-fired, coal and renewable energy power stations throughout the UK.

Formed originally from the UK operations of National Power, the company was known as Innogy until taken over by German utility company RWE. To start with, Innogy was re-named RWE npower until the entire supply business adopted the npower brand. It acquired a stake in Telecom Plus which provides npower with management support services such as metering, billing and administrative support.

The company has received negative publicity and complaints in the past due to the alleged underhand sales tactics conducted by its door-to-door representatives.

Making a complaint

As specified by the industry regulator Ofgem, npower’s complaints handling is thoroughly explained and logically set out on the website. Phone complaints are possible on 0844 409 8194, and further information can be found in the ‘Help and Support’section of the website.

npower provide a brief complaints report showing how many complaints were resolved swiftly, and a ‘top 5’of customer complaints along with a synopsis of how the company resolved them.

You can download a complaints procedure PDF from the npower website. This has a flow diagram of the steps to take when complaining including the option of contacting the Ombudsman for energy if a satisfactory resolution has not been reached.

All phone numbers, email addresses for complaints and contacting the Ombudsman are included. npower make it clear you should follow their complaints procedure FULLY as the Ombudsman will only consider cases where the suppling company’s complaints procedure has been followed IN FULL.

Services and Products

The supply of energy in the form of gas and electricity. npower also provide heating maintenance services.

Useful Information


Correspondence Address: (Send first complaint to this address)
Complaints Team
PO Box 97

Executive Complaints Team: (If you're not satisfied with the response send a follow up to this address)
PO Box 177

Ombudsman Services: Energy

PO box 966
WA4 9DF 


Npower complaints number:
0844 409 8194
Verified -

Calls cost 5p per minute plus your phone companies access charge.

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