Morrisons Complaints • 0844 409 7841 • Phone Number

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Morrisons complaints number:
0844 409 7841
Verified correct on: 17/05/2024

Call costs 5p per minute plus your phone companies access charge.


To make a complaint, call 0844 409 7841 to seek a resolution. It is also possible to email and/or write to the company or visit the store where your complaint originated and speak to the manager or a senior employee.

Morrisons is the fourth largest supermarket chain in the UK with a market share of some 11% (as of May 2014).



Formed in 1899 by William Morrison in Bradford, Yorkshire, the company began as a humble egg and butter stall in the local market. His son Ken (aged 21 at the time) took over the company in 1952 and its first supermarket opened in Bradford in 1961. The Morrison family still owns 10% of the company which is now listed on the London Stock Exchange and has over 600 stores throughout England, Scotland and Wales. Sir Ken Morrison, chairman for 55 years, finally retired in 2008.

Morrisons stores were mostly located in the north of England until 2004 when the purchase of Safeway automatically spread their reach into Scotland and the south of England. The ‘conversions’ of Safeway stores to Morrisons was the largest of its type in British retail history

Morrisons is part of the ‘big four’ supermarket chains along with the market leader Tesco, Asda and Sainsbury’s. It has its own supply facilities in that it owns a farm, pie factory, abattoirs and bakeries and possesses a strong property portfolio: over 90% of it stores are freehold.

The company launched its online shopping facility at the beginning of 2014 - somewhat later into this arena than its rivals - and does not offer a loyalty scheme except to fuel customers. Similar to rival Tesco, Morrisons provide a two-type store system with superstores and convenience stores.

Making a complaint

Use the complaints number on 0844 409 7841. If the complaint stems from a store visit, then visiting or telephoning the particular store and speaking to the manager or someone else in a position of authority is possible.

You can also contact Morrisons via email on the website contact form in the ‘contact us’ section or by postal correspondence.


Kiddicare, Morrisons Cellar, NUTMEG clothing, Morrisons Online, M Savers, M Kitchen, M, M NuMe, M Signature, Morrisons Free From, JKF (Just For Kids), Morrisons Wholefoods.


Huge range of various food lines and types (healthy options, premium ranges, economy ranges, catering to allergy sufferers, targeted at children). Online wine store (Morrisons Cellar) and clothing (NUTMEG).

Useful information


Complaints No: 0844 409 7841

Postal Address:
Customer Service Department
Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC
Hilmore House
Gain Lane

Morrisons complaints number:
0844 409 7841
Verified -

Calls cost 5p per minute plus your phone companies access charge.

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