First Utility Complaints • 0844 409 8599 • Phone Number

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First Utility complaints number:
0844 409 8599
Verified correct on: 17/05/2024

Call costs 5p per minute plus your phone companies access charge.

First Utility

Contact First Utility on 0844 409 8599 if you wish to make a complaint. You can also contact the company by email or post, and there is a full complaints handling service should it not be resolved by telephone in the first instance.

First Utility is a supplier of electricity and gas in the UK. Although only having a market share of less than 1%, the company is classed as the seventh largest UK supplier (as of October 2013).


The company was formed in 2008 as a spin-off from First Telecom. They signed a three year sponsorship deal in January 2014 for the rugby Super League.

First Utility positioned itself to offer energy customers a more transparent and value for money service than the ‘big six’ energy suppliers. Their innovative approach is illustrated by the use of smart meters to check energy usage daily (gas) and every 30 minutes (electricity). This is designed to provide more accurate bills and remove the need for customers to read their meters, and helps them analyse when they are using the most energy. Simplified charging is aimed to help customers know exactly where they are.

The company also pledge to offer competitive pricing and responsive customer service through detail touches like answering incoming calls promptly and dealing with customer correspondence swiftly and thoroughly.

Making a complaint

Call the First Utility complaints line on 0844 409 8599 between 8.00am - 8.00pm Monday to Friday and 9.00am - 1.00pm Saturdays to seek a resolution. If this is not effective, then you can try contacting the company through email or post and set in train their structured complaints handling process.

If your complaint cannot be successfully resolved, then their Customer Case Resolution team will try and resolve it. If this is still unsuccessful, then you can take the matter up with the Energy Ombudsman (details below). Before doing this you MUST follow First Utility’s complaints process to its conclusion or the Ombudsman will simply refer you back to the company.

Ensure you have a ‘deadlock letter’ from First Utility which marks the end of their attempts to resolve you complaint.

First Utility have included on their website details of how they have death with previous complaints with candid information about how they are seeking to improve their service.

Useful information


Complaints No: 0844 409 8599

First Utility complaints number:
0844 409 8599
Verified -

Calls cost 5p per minute plus your phone companies access charge.

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