EDF Energy Complaints • 0844 409 6459 • Phone Number

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EDF Energy complaints number:
0844 409 6459
Verified correct on: 17/05/2024

Call costs 5p per minute plus your phone companies access charge.

EDF Energy

If customers need to make a complaint to EDF, a call to their complaints number on 0844 409 6459 is usually the best first step. This number and other contact methods along with the steps to take in making a complaint are on their website.

EDF supplies energy in the form of gas and electricity to homes and businesses in the UK and has some 5.7 customer accounts.


EDF is a French-owned energy supplier that came into being in 2002 following the mergers and acquisitions of various British-based electricity companies along with generating facilities such as three power stations. In 2009, they acquired British Energy, the UK nuclear generating company, and thus turned itself into one of the UK’s largest energy generators.

EDF is involved in most types of energy generation:

Fossil Fuel - its coal-fired power stations mean EDF has the highest generational coal-fired capacity in the UK.

Wind - EDF own three wind farms with another in development.

Nuclear - EDF own eight nuclear power stations with four more reactors planned.

Renewable - along with wind, EDF are researching and planning other electricity generation methods including tidal powered turbines.

Services and Products

Gas and electricity

EDF supply gas and electricity to homes and businesses. Customers can select a tariff to suit from the choice available.

Heating Products and services

Electrical heating products can be supplied and fitted, and existing electrical wiring and appliances inspected for safety and effectiveness.

Insulation products and boiler insurance cover can also be provided.

Making a complaint

EDF operates a full step by step complaints procedure fully described on the website as per the requirements set out by industry regulator Ofgem. In the first instance, call the complaints line on 0844 409 6459. After this, correspondence by email and/or post is required to seek a resolution.

There is a ‘Making a Complaint’booklet available as a download from the ‘Complaints’area of the website, and it includes the addresses of regional EDF premises where, if required, customers can go for a personal meeting with EDF staff as part of resolving complaints.

An annual complaints report, showing how effectively EDF handled complaints over the past year, is also available for inspection.

If this procedure is not successful, then it is possible to seek redress by contacting the Ombudsman Service for energy (details below). It is important to note customers MUST follow EDF’s complaints procedure fully BEFORE contacting the Ombudsman.

Useful Information

Website: www.edfenergy.com
Complaints Tel: 0844 409 6459

Correspondence Address:
Complaints Resolution Manager
EDF Energy
Freepost RRYZ-BGYG-JCXR- 334
Outland Road

Ombudsman Services: Energy

PO Box 966
WA4 9DF 

Email: enquiries@os-energy.org
Website: www.os-energy.org

EDF Energy complaints number:
0844 409 6459
Verified -

Calls cost 5p per minute plus your phone companies access charge.

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