DLA (Disability Living Allowance) Complaints • 0844 409 7834 • Phone Number

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DLA (Disability Living Allowance) complaints number:
0844 409 7834
Verified correct on: 17/05/2024

Call costs 5p per minute plus your phone companies access charge.

DLA (Disability Living Allowance) *

* This is being replaced by PIP (Personal Independence Payment) for people aged 16 to 64. New DLA claims can only be made for children under 16 - this is known as ‘DLA for children.’

You can make a complaint regarding DLA on 0844 409 7834. If you wish to complain about aspects of the service or appeal against the decision made regarding your claim, the website describes how you should progress your complaint if an initial telephone call does not resolve things satisfactorily.

DLA is a benefit to help disabled adults and children meet the extra costs possibly incurred due to being disabled. It is based on the possible needs arising from a disability as opposed to being based on the disability itself. For instance, if some type of care help is required then DLA may be awarded to help meet this cost. It is not a taxable benefit.


DLA applies for both physical and mental disabilities, and can be awarded whether or not you work. It is not generally dependent on what (if any) income or savings you may have.

You have to be under 65 when you claim: if you are over 65 then Attendance Allowance may be awarded. The DLA website has a link to more details relating to Attendance Allowance.

DLA is in two parts: called ‘components.’

A care component - should you require help to look after yourself and/or need supervision to ensure your safety.

A mobility component - if you find it hard to walk, or are unable to, and require help moving around.

DLA’s replacement benefit, PIP, will remain broadly similar to DLA with the following enhancements:

  • Claimant’s needs to be assessed more objectively with the help of disability organisations and people with disabilities.
  • Provide for the re-assessment of people with disabilities and in receipt of a PIP benefit award to ensure the correct levels of support if their requirements change.

A link to PIP will be found on the DLA homepage.

Making a complaint

Contact the DLA complaints line on 0844 409 7834 if the level of service is not satisfactory. If you are appealing against a decision made relating to your claim such as the amount of benefit awarded, then you will follow a set complaints procedure.

The procedure will vary depending on whether your benefit award decision was made before or after 28th October 2013. The website has the relevant links to guide you to the correct procedure.

Useful information

Website: www.gov.uk/dla-disability-living-allowance-benefit

PIP website: www.gov.uk/pip

DLA (Disability Living Allowance) complaints number:
0844 409 7834
Verified -

Calls cost 5p per minute plus your phone companies access charge.

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