Apple UK Complaints • 0844 409 6498 • Phone Number

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Apple UK complaints number:
0844 409 6498
Verified correct on: 17/05/2024

Call costs 5p per minute plus your phone companies access charge.

Apple UK number

If you’d like to complain to Apple, the complaints line is 0844 409 6498. Their UK website contains much useful information and there is a network of Apple Stores and resellers throughout the UK who can help via telephone or personal visit.

Apple is a multinational company designing, developing and selling a range of consumer electronics, software and online services. From originally marketing computer hardware and software through its ‘Mac’ range, the company has moved into other areas of electronics such as personal music players through the iPod range, mobile phones (iPhone) and tablet computing (iPad).

Online services include the iTunes multimedia store, iCloud and the App Store. Its software products include the OS X operating system for its range of desktop and laptop computers, iOS for the iPhone and iPad, iLife and iWork (a creativity and productivity suite of applications respectively).


Apple was formed in modest circumstances in 1976 by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne to develop personal computers. Known as ‘Apple Computer Inc’ from 1977, it was renamed ‘Apple Inc’ in 2007 to reflect the company’s diversification into other areas of consumer electronics.

The company has enjoyed spectacular growth and success in its various market places over the years. It is now the second largest consumer electronics company (by revenue) after Samsung, and the third largest mobile phone maker having only entered the market with the original iPhone in 2008.

The Omnicom Group put Apple above Coca-Cola in their “Best Global Brands” report of 2013. The iTunes store is currently the world’s largest music retailer and the company’s worldwide annual revenue in 2013 was $ 170 billion.


iMac, MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, Mac mini, Mac Pro, iPhone, iPad, OS X, iOS, iLife, iWork, iTunes, Retina (display types for all devices), Apple TV, Aperture.

Making a complaint

Contact the company on 0844 409 6498 to complain. There is comprehensive help through the Apple website via the ‘support’ section. Your issue may be covered within the huge archive of help articles and online user support forums covering the full range of software and hardware products.

The ‘contacting Apple’ section of the website has various links to support areas that may help you with your specific issue.

The UK network of Apple Stores and resellers can often help with queries and some faults with products bought through them. Either phone or visit the respective store.


A range of desktop and laptop computers including the iMac and MacBook Pro range. The iPhone smartphone, the iPad tablet computer range, the iPod personal music player range and Apple TV.

  • Software including OS X, iWork, iLife, Aperture (desktop and laptop computers). iOS (iPhone and iPad).
  • iTunes and App Store (computers, iPad and iPhone).
  • iCloud (cloud computing). 

Useful information

UK website:
Complaints No: 0844 409 6498

Apple UK complaints number:
0844 409 6498
Verified -

Calls cost 5p per minute plus your phone companies access charge.

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