Santander has been facing various technical issues through Friday morning and into the afternoon. The bank’s UK customers reported that they had been having trouble trying to log in to their online bank accounts and settling digital transactions. Santander immediately responded on Twitter the same day to acknowledge the issues. They announced on the social media platform that “We are currently experiencing issues with customers logging in to Online Banking”. The bank has since stated that the technical issues have been resolved. In a formal statement a spokesperson for Santander stated the following, “We apologise for the problems some customers faced earlier today using our digital banking services - These have now been fixed and we can confirm that any payments due today will have been processed.”.
For most customers this temporary glitch in the bank’s online system will constitute little more than a minor inconvenience. However, for many it caused a rather significant disruption. Especially as the technical issues come just as millions in the UK expect to receive their monthly salary at the end of the month. Sophie Rivett for example, a local resident of Worcestershire, said that she had major problems in attempting to pay numerous bills as she moved into a new property Friday, even stating that she had to borrow a large sum of money from a family member. Many more Santander customers have displayed outrage and are demanding some form of compensation for what they perceive to be unacceptable negligence from the large multinational banking corporation.